Hello and welcome. My name is Andy Brady. I’m a Clinical Hypnotherapist in Private Practice on the Seafront in Bray, Co. Wicklow and in Harrington Street, Dublin 8.
I am creating this website as a place where you can find some information on how you can overcome the challenges you face. Whether your issue is with a behaviour, an addiction, fear/ phobia, anxiety, lack of motivation or feeling of stuck in your life, my intention is to show you how you can move beyond that.
I want to show you how to take back control in your life in those areas where you feel like you have lost control or are where you are struggling.
What is Hypnotherapy for?
Hypnotherapy is a process of regaining control and ownership over any area of your life where you feel a loss of control. This includes habits such as emotional eating, lack of exercise, smartphone addiction, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, vaping, and substance abuse. It is also effective in addressing anxiety, panic attacks, fears, and phobias like fear of flying, social anxiety, fear of public speaking, and common phobias such as fear of dogs, rats, spiders, and more. Insomnia, chronic pain, and IBS also respond well to hypnosis.
Hypnotherapy assists in updating your thinking around specific areas of your life, allowing you to experience them differently than before. The experience can be powerful when you actively engage and participate. While it’s not a magic wand solution, it can feel magical as you uncover tools that connect you to your personal power. Change can occur rapidly, especially with toxic habits like smoking and phobias such as fear of flying.
When you decide to make a change, it often happens at a conscious level. However, it’s essential to recognize that you have a long-established self-image that may not align with the desired changes. If your conscious decision contradicts your subconscious self-image, any change is typically short-lived. In hypnotherapy, we update every level of your mind—both the conscious and the deeper, subconscious levels. This involves updating your self-image.
This process involves guiding you to engage your imagination to initiate the necessary updates to your thinking. Creating lasting change requires wiring in new neural pathways of behavior, which happens through your actions between our sessions.
To learn more about Hypnotherapy, visit my About Hypnotherapy page and FAQ.
Call Andy Brady – 0876125137
Who can be helped with Hypnotherapy?
Many situations where you have a feeling of blockage or being stuck can benefit from hypnotherapy. All of us can be helped through this natural process but we need to be on board and actively engage in order to maximise the benefit.
Some of the common areas treated are:
- Breaking Addictions
- Stopping Smoking
- Weight Loss/ Weight Management
- Quitting Vaping/ e-Cigarettes
- Fears and Phobias
- Public Speaking
- Managing Stress and Anxiety
- Overcoming Panic
- Reducing Drinking
- Overcome Procrastination
- Motivational Coaching
- Finding Direction in Life
- Building Self Esteem
If you are wondering if your situation can be helped then get in touch with me and I will discuss your case with you. There is no charge for this conversation.
Free consultation by phone
The first step is to get in touch with me and arrange a time when we can have a conversation on the phone. In this conversation I will help you to decide if Hypnotherapy is suitable for your situation. If it is, we can schedule your first appointment in one of my clinics (Bray and Dublin City) or online via Zoom, Skype or WhatsApp.
Phone: 0876125137
Email: andy@andybrady.ie